About apologies & Forgiveness

Too little, too lateOne interpretation of an apology is that it “should” not have happened. The almighty creation, God, the universe, the Matrix, the alien…whatever your definition of the higher power all around us is,… it happened because God made it happen. Making it wrong that it happened is not authentic. If it should not … Continue reading About apologies & Forgiveness

Life in times of crisis

I recently read that the entire frequency of the earth is shifting. Everything is energy. Energy waves moving on a frequency. Everything. Even your thoughts are energetic wave patterns. You are energy in the universe. Now as the entire energy of the earth is shifting to a new frequency, our energies need to adjust their … Continue reading Life in times of crisis

Before healing others, heal yourself 

How are you doing? It’s been a while since we were last in contact, so I hope that this finds you cruising with ease into the end of 2018?  I was asked to write for a blog. You may even know it if you are living in Luxembourg: healthylux.lu   Their blog theme of the month … Continue reading Before healing others, heal yourself 


It has been such a long time since my last Newsletter-Blog entry, please let me know if this finds you thriving? I have been dedicating my energy into a different direction, and my service to you has suffered in consequence. In fact, I have been working with furry clients, as portrayed with Jordy the Beagle. … Continue reading Authenticity


It’s June, which means that we are officially reaching the half-term of the year. Is the accomplishment of your goals going as planned? Do you need to do some adjustments on the way? Therefore, I was thinking that today might be a good day to talk about choices. Choices  Cardinal rule If you want a … Continue reading Choices

Leap of faith

I could present you with a million excuses why it has been months since we last spoke. Among these excuses you would also find this thing called the influenza or common flu, which actually happened on and during my 40th birthday. I had already mentally prepared a subject that I was going to address for … Continue reading Leap of faith

Lessons from the Olympic Games

This February had so many highlights that I was reflecting on which subject I could best muse upon, and make you a little list of life hacks and wisdom tools. The classic would be using Valentine’s Day to chat about love and relationships. I would not be who I am if I went with what … Continue reading Lessons from the Olympic Games